It was a wonderful blessing from the Lord to have the team from the UK in Timisoara, Romania for the first time this year (and the 5th since 2014). Although the time was short, the conference being organised on Saturday 28th February and Sunday 1st March, we greatly enjoyed the presence of Apostle Abel Kungu Sr. and his team.

The Romanian team of intercessors was, like always, in full action, preparing the atmosphere for the conference for weeks ahead. For both days of the conference, the two teams met early in the morning to pray for meetings, in terms of protection, anointment over Apostle Abel Kungu and the worshipers, finances, and to clear the spiritual atmosphere of the hall.

The presence was numerous both evenings, with over 120 people gathered each night to listen to the liberating message of the Lord, spoken by Apostle Abel Kungu.

11045347_10153167492914031_1640509847347686310_nThe worship in both evenings was led by the team of Deo Gloria church, but the presence of the Lord was ushered in also by the performance of the UK team (Pastor Zorka, Claver and Daniel). Even though they sang in English, being in the same spirit helped us worship our Lord together.

The musical part of the evenings was followed by short prayers on stage, led by Pastor Ana and two ladies from the intercessor team.



Next, it was time for Apostle Abel Kungu Sr to deliver God’s message on Christians’ Identity in Christ, which was so strong for some of us that it questioned our theology. That is why Apostle Abel had to do a short prayer, rebuking the spirits of religiosity and legalism, which are the two main opponents of God in Romania. This being done, we freely received the Word of God and it began to change our minds, considering the privileged position we have gained in Christ Jesus.

The first evening was concluded by Apostle Abel Kungu ministering in prayer and prophesying for several people in the hall and also making an altar call, which resulted in 6 people being saved. For the second evening, Apostle Abel was led by the Holy Spirit to have the people in the hall pray for the ones suffering from various sicknesses, demonstrating thus that the power of God can work through all who believe in Him. And indeed, the prayer was followed by instant healings for the crowd. The Lord restored hearing in a lady’s left ear, healing pain in one lady’s body and leg pain caused by diabetes in one gentleman. Several healing processes were started and we will hear the testimonies in later conferences. In the second evening also 5 people gave their lives to Jesus.

Another testimony of a healing miracle done by our Lord through Apostle Abel Kungu: at a conference last year, a lady was brought in a wheelchair. She was disabled because of a trauma she suffered when she gave birth to her child. When Apostle Abel prayed for her, the healing process began and now that lady can walk aided only by a walker. The wheelchair days are long gone. To God be the glory!

Even though the conference was being held only during the evenings, the two days the UK team spent in Romania were used to the fullest. On Saturday, together with the Romanian team, we visited a few poor families, to which they brought supplies and also the good bread of the living Word. We prayed for them and we believe the Lord to move in the lives of the poor communities in Timisoara by starting a relief mission.



On Sunday we were invited to Deo Gloria church’s service, where Apostle Abel Kungu had a compelling message on 4 things that shut the heavens. At the end of his sermon, he prayed for all the people in Deo Gloria church. We had a good time together with our brothers and sisters.




We want to show our appreciation for the two churches in Timisoara, without the help of whom this conference would not have been possible: The International Church, especially Pastor Ben and Pastor Flavius, for the logistical part, the advertising, the interpreting and the food provided, and Deo Gloria Church, Pastor Relu, for leading praise and worship.

We thank God for His love and support, which He gives to us by the ministry of Apostle Abel Kungu Sr. and we are looking forward to seeing what His next moves will be.


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