On Saturday, the 25th of July 2015 lives were indeed transformed, not by power nor by might but by the spirit of God. With great expectations, the youth conference had finally arrived.


Before our conference we were sponsored by members of the church to feed the homeless and needy.

We got in touch with someone from the Salvation Army who gave us more information about the time the homeless gather to get their meals and also the location.

We did it over a few days, on the 1st day a group of young people met outside of the allocated location where the homeless meet up for food. We made a variety of food from sandwiches to pastries. It was an eye opening event, mainly because we saw how some people appreciated the things that we take for granted no matter how small.



We conversed with them for a period of time, they gave thanks and then left. On the second day we carried food again, but this time a larger portion. Like day 1 they ate and said thank you. Some of them told us about themselves and the hardship that face, which of course is very heart breaking.


Later on in the week, another group of young people went to the Salvation Army soup kitchen to help out. Preparing and serving light meals to the homeless, which they really enjoyed. Once again it made them realise that it is the duty of every Christian to take care of those who cannot do so themselves. With that in mind the Transformers youth group have decided to make it a permanent thing to feed the homeless.



On Saturday, the 25th of July 2015 lives were indeed transformed, not by power nor by might but by the spirit of God. With great expectations, the youth conference had finally arrived.

The main scripture of the night was Romans 12:2 ‘Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind’.

We had guest youth choir whom did a brilliant praise and worship session after intercession prayers, which all enjoyed, the children of God all danced and clapped. Of course worship took place and people connected with God.

IMG-20150725-WA0004Members from the youth team showcased their talents for Gods glory and expressing their gratitude to Him. A young woman by the name of Petrene performed a lovely poem about God’s grace and mercy and telling of how magnificent He is in all that He does.




IMG-20150726-WA0008A young man by the name of Claver and a young lady called Claudia performed a beautiful song called ‘Your presence is heaven to me – by Isreal Houghton’. This song is beautiful because it tells us that the presence of God is everything to us and we should dwell in it, not visit.

Amandeep, a talented young dance worshipper used her talent to dance for the Lord. Her dance was to the popular song ‘Take me to King’, which illustrated that it is only the King Jesus that can give us peace (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoVUey-dQzY).

To close with the youth’s performances for the night, Petrena another lady performed one of her spoken words titled ‘He saved me’. That poem was amazing and heartfelt because it reminded us that no matter what Jesus is always one time and no matter how far we go He can still save us (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tZKPkVUjEM&feature=em-upload_owner).

Finally, it was time for the guest speaker to release the word that God had laid on his heart. The word he spoke was in season, telling the children of God that they ought to be transformers. That the world needs transformers, but first they must be transformed by God. Us as children of God needs to draw closer to be Lord almighty, to hear what is His heart beat so that we do not get led astray by societies standards.

He commented on the world issues of how the church is compromising its standards to meet the world’s standards. But we shouldn’t we should fight against that which fight against the kingdom of God in prayer. The world needs transformers to help and if we are not transformed by the power of God then how can we help others.

After the guest minister spoke that encouraging and life changing word, he ministered to the people. The presence of God was there with the people and so he did an altar calling. When the people came up he prayed for them and gave prophetic words. Words of hope, inspiration and truths about one’s destination.

It must be said that we as children of God should be using the Power of the name of Jesus to break chains and help transform the lives of people.


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