The recent trips to Arad, Timisoara and Bucharest in Romania were a great success.

11390008_1002968436381274_8044446191895889145_n27th May – 2nd June Apostle Abel was located in Arad River of Rivival Ministries where Sammy Caba is the senior Pastor. Every evening the meetings were full of God’s glorious presence creating an atmosphere for miracles. Many were healed and delivered by the power of God every day. On the 30th May we had a short time to prepare the four souls who had given their lives to the Lord for water baptism but on the 31st May after ministering a baptism message, six souls were added and wanted to get baptised on that same day.

1st June we had a wonderful outdoor event where various other churches attended and fellowshipped. Following word of knowledge, prophecies and there were many healings.


From the 2nd June – 5th June we moved to Timisoara where we had opportunity to minister in two churches – International Church and Deo Gloria. Apostle Abel was invited to minister in the bible study sessions.

From the 6th – 9th we were located in Bucharest. On Saturday, we went IMG_9165for a short trip to Teen Challenge – an American ministry located outside Bucharest, which offers the hope of Jesus to people who are suffering from drug addictions. Apostle Abel had the opportunity to hold a short sermon to the 15 young boys in the program; he also gave his testimony on how God worked in his childhood and early life. After this moment, God began to move and work specifically for each of the young men in the meeting. Words of knowledge, prophecies, breaking curses and healings were carried out through Apostle Abel. Everybody was touched and very much encouraged at the end of the afternoon.

On Sunday morning Apostle Abel was invited to speak at Mustard Seed Church in Bucharest. He held an electrifying sermon on the person of the Holy Ghost, which allowed time for personal ministry at the end. Back pains were healed, deaf ears were opened and eyes were healed. A young boy, who had pain in his knees, was healed, but God did not stop here. Through Apostle Abel, he prophesied the young boy’s future, telling him of how he will become a great football player, earning a great deal of money for the Kingdom of God. At the end of the service, Apostle Abel prayed for the new believers to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and we witnessed God move again. The following Sunday the Pastor at Mustard Seed church was impressed of the works that God carried out through Apostle Abel and challenged the church towards having a true Christian life, filled with signs and wonders, just like Jesus said that all of us who believe in Him would have.

On Sunday evening, Apostle Abel was invited to speak at church Number 43 (the church related to Teen Challenge). He spoke on the power of the Holy Spirit and gave a short testimony. In the second part of the meeting, God worked through Apostle Abel with signs and wonders, with words of knowledge about health issues, with the gift of healing, casting out demons and giving prophecies. At the end, he made an altar call and around 15 people gave their lives to Jesus.

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