Hope of a child foundation is more than child sponsorship – it gives not only hope for the future and destiny of the needy, orphaned and HIV children but also promotes the children to live with their families by supporting the families with food and clothing. Hope of a child focuses on educating the needy children from primary level and providing the basics such as food and clothing.

The foundation was started in 2006 following Abel Kungu’s sponsorship by an amazing American couple through a charity organisation. The couple provided aid for Abel’s school fees, clothes & food from the age of eight until he completed his college studies. Abel is now based in the UK and is an international preacher reaching out to nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ in Europe, Africa, Australia, British West Indies. He is married and has two beautiful children.

The foundation sponsors 18 children in Zimbabwe, 3 children in Kenya and will be extending to Romania. The 18 children in Zimbabwe are mostly orphans whose parents died of HIV Aids and some are now living with their grandparents who are too aged to work. Some of the children are HIV and takes medication regularly. Each family needs fees for food and school. The children in Kenya consists of two in secondary education who need fees for their education in boarding schools.